Inviting Applications For YouthNet Women Entrepreneurship Fellowship YWEF Cohort 2023-24

YouthNet Women Entrepreneurship Fellowship is a year long program which is supported by Start-Up Nagaland, Department of Industries and Commerce, Govt. of Nagaland.

This program is the first step required for any entrepreneur with a startup business. Business acumen skills must be acquired in order to become a progressive business. This program facilitates growth and incites entrepreneurial drive in the entrepreneurs. It will help them assess their business-profitability, make future projections, working capital management, eligibility for applying to schemes and funding opportunities etc.

Key Offerings

  • Business financial management.
  • Assessment of the market study.
  • Holistic understanding of competitive pricing.
  • Benefit of support and network system amongst the fellows.
  • One to one mentoring with experts.
  • Co-working space in Kohima & Dimapur
  • Networking and supporting other Fellows business.
  • Funding opportunities

Who is the program for?

  • For start-ups initiated by Naga women.
  • For entrepreneurs with potential for growth.

Who is eligible?

  • Entrepreneurs should be an indigenous inhabitants of Nagaland.
  • The entrepreneurs should be 25-50 years of age.
  • The entrepreneur should have a running enterprise/ business .
  • The entrepreneurs chosen for the fellowship must be consistent, flexible and willing to invest at least 6 hrs a month to this program for a period of 1 year.

Registration closed for 3rd Cohort 2023-24

Hear from our YWEF Cohort 1

"I am very grateful to YouthNet for allowing me to be part of the YWEF Cohort. This program has made a huge impact on my business as well as on my life; it has broadened my horizon and motivated me to take a bigger step toward my dream.."
Limatula Longchar (Cohort-1)
Proprietor - Lishi Soap
"When I join the cohort it was a time in my business journey to retrospect & introspect and contemplate my abilities and capabilities to grow as an entrepreneur. The learning that we had and the networks that I had built with the other women entrepreneurs within the cohort were great opportunities for me."
Supongtula Aier (Cohort-1)
Proprietor - Zonee Food Products
"Participating in the first cohort of YWEF was an amazing experience, the tools and knowledge acquired and the network established during that time has proven priceless. A prime example is the significance of maintaining proper bookkeeping which I initially overlooked but now find indispensable."
Imtisenla Longkumer
Proprietor - She is you

Hear from our YWEF Cohort 2

"This journey wasn’t a bed of roses. It was tough and challenging. My journey completely took a different turn after I became part of the fellowship program, the continuous support and handholding given by the mentor has been so enriching. The decision of joining the cohort was the best things that happen."
Rhobeni Murry (Cohort-2)
Proprietor - Hantsen
"This program has helped me in nurturing and enhancing my skills and potential. It has been one of the driving forces in my entrepreneurial journey and I am so grateful to be part of this cohort."
Vepotolu Dozo (Cohort-2)
Proprietor - VD Homemade
"YWEF has been an immense help in the growth of my start Up. The Cohort has constantly handheld me throughout my journey and mentored me to develop my skills professionally and grow in my business venture."
Mhaleno Visa (cohort-2)