In partnership with SAMAGRA Shiksha programme under the Directorate of School Education, YouthNet launched InnoveX entrepreneurship competition for vocational schools. The competition is named InnoveX after its main objective of conducting the competition which is to incite the concept of innovation and creativity in students, to instill entrepreneurial mindsets in students having end number of opportunities.
The core idea and objective of the competition is to provide students a hands-on experience of doing business, to explore and learn the opportunities of doing business. Participants undertake an online class on basic skills of entrepreneurship and business management skills and further, they will formulate business ideas of their own and implement their ideas using the seed money given to each team.
The program started in the month of September 2020 and will be concluding in the month of February 2021.
The table below shows 18 Schools with Vocational Education under Samagra Shiksha and the various
trades taught in the schools which are currently undergoing the entrepreneurship program.