At the invitation of the Government of Gujarat, YouthNet represented the state at the Vibrant Gujarat Summit held at Gandhinagar, the capital of Gujarat from January 11 to 13. The event was attended by the likes of Ratan Tata (CEO of the Tata group), Mukesh Ambani (Reliance), Adi Godrej (Godrej group) and a number of representatives from large multi-corporations both from India and abroad, pledging to invest in what is seen as the fastest growing state in India. They spoke about how investor-friendly the state is, which is very important for attracting outside investments into the state.
Medoneizo Putsure and Margaret Wanth of YouthNet were among the 14 delegates from the Northeast. The Summit had a three day extravaganza preceded by a slew of pre-summit events (conferences and seminars) all across Gujarat that aimed to provide a thrust to the new outlook towards inclusive development. With the aim of providing impetus to the agenda, over 122 events were organized under the aegis of the Vibrant Gujarat Summit.
During the Summit, the YouthNet Team met with the then Chief Minister of the State, Narendra Modi and his associates, wherein discussions were held on how both States could work in unison for the development of each region. YouthNet Nagaland proposed an exchange programme where students from Nagaland can go to Gujarat to experience the Entrepreneurship Culture that exists there and also welcome some of their students here to set partnerships with our youth and work towards development in our region.