Choosing the right career remains one of the biggest challenges for a student. It is also very common that in Nagaland, career decisions are mostly made by parents and elders. The lack of good career counselors, aptitude tests and various advices from different people can confuse a student. YouthNet thought this was an important issue that needed to be addressed for young people to be aware of opportunities across different sectors and hear from professionals.
Keeping this in mind, the “YouthNet Handbook on Career Guidance” was launched featuring various professions for students and young people to choose from. In total, the book has 42 career options while 18 chapters of the book include contributions from various local professionals, who are experts in their subjects or areas of work. The other career options were sourced from the internet.
From sectors such as Public administration, Doctors, Lawyers, Entrepreneurs, Artists, the articles were contributed by local professionals from different fields. The book has also been shared with schools and colleges during the Career guidance workshops and is available in all leading bookstores.