Expressing serious concern on the rise of unemployment among the youth in the state, YouthNet embarked on its Capacity Building IMPACT 5000 by 18 District Tour in August, 2016. For the 2016-2017 Impact campaign, YouthNet has partnered with Accenture’s ‘Skills to Succeed’ global initiative through Quest Alliance.

The YouthNet team traveled to all the 11 districts in Nagaland and reached out to the students, dropouts, unemployed youth and upcoming entrepreneurs. The district tour focused on the importance of taking up jobs in the private sector, skill development training programs, community livelihood initiatives, make informed career choices, and how local entrepreneurs could scale up their businesses.The number of people we impacted during the tour was 16,936.

After the district tour, YouthNet followed up by reaching out to the interested dropouts and unemployed youth from the districts and trained them on My Quest Retail Customer Interaction and/or soft skills topics like Resume Writing, Interview Skills, Personality Development, Workplace Etiquette and Customer Service. The training was followed by providing the participants with job placements in the Retail, Hospitality, Aviation, Automotive, Marketing, Insurance and Education sectors.
A total of 343 youths were trained and the Team was successful in achieving 71% placement of the trainees.

For the entrepreneurs, a couple of Entrepreneurship Bootcamps were organised in Kohima and Dimapur. Workshops to build business acumen skills were conducted and the programs helped 25 top start-ups from across Nagaland with mentorship, information and guidance to develop their enterprises. After the programs, 10 finalists were invited to YouthNet Centre of Excellence for Entrepreneurship in Kohima where they pitched their business proposals. Ms.Pichano Jami who runs a design company won the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp Competition.

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